Getting away from it all can give you a whole new lease on life. Blade Charters Qualified and Friendly SAMSA Skippers and Crew takes care of everything. You will experience the excitement and thrill of the open waters.
We will have a “BoereWors” Braai to end the day on a memorable note. If you are looking to buy some gear for Tuna Fishing please visit BigCatch.

Tuna Fishing, also known as Off-Shore Fishing, is any type of fishing done in depths of over 100 feet. This is when the fun begins. Deep Sea Fishing is an exhilarating adventure that creates memories for a life time. Targeted fish species includes: Yellowfin / Long-fin / Skipjack / Bigeye / Marlin / Southern Bluefin Tuna. Lets make memories and catch the Big One. Book your Tuna Fishing trip today CLICK.

Tuna Fishing is a bucket list item, which every person dreams of doing one day. Lets make your dreams come true today with our Tuna Fishing Adventure Charters. Cape Point is known for its fish and we make our journey from Hermanus to Cape Town with ease on our vessel Blade.

All Fishing gear, light snacks and drinks are included.
Footage of your Adventure will also be captured.

Fish Share Policy: Please enquire about our Fish Caught Share Policy.

Please bring the following with: Warm Clothes, Shoes that can get wet, Sunglasses, Hat, Sunblock.

NB: Consult your Doctor for Seasickness Medication prior to the Trip
Please note that all Charters are Weather/SEA depending and no guarantees can be given on Catching any or specific kinds of fish for the day.

PRICE (All prices are estimates and quotation will be final)

R 6 000 per person(min&max of 4 People) or R24 000 for the whole Vessel per day.